●The submissions must be an original, unpublished work photographed and exclusively owned by the applicant.(It must not have been displayed in an exhibit, posted on social media, uploaded to the internet, or resemble other works)
●he submitted photograph and its composition must not be altered with the use of generative AI. (Interval photography and long-exposure photography to express the trajectory of light are acceptable.)
●Compositing images (combining photos from other locations, drawings, or computer graphics) is not allowed
●Photos must be taken on or after July 1, 2024. (Photos taken before this date are not allowed)
●Winners will be asked to submit proof that they visited Niyodo River on the day of the photo shoot. (e.g. airline tickets, lodging certificates, dated public transportation tickets, dated shopping receipts within the six basin municipalities, etc.)
※Failure to provide proof will result in revocation of the award.
※Proof of two days before or after the shooting date is also valid.
●No composite photos are allowed.
●The copyright of the submitted works belongs to the applicant, but they may be used (including editing or altering the submitted works such as cropping, image effects, etc. without the applicant's consent) or provided to a third party without compensation for Niyodo Blue's publicity and promotion.(e.g., exhibitions, collections, posters, calendars, etc.)
●Applicants shall not exercise their moral rights with respect to their submitted photographs.
●Submitted data will not be returned.
●Submissions that are currently being submitted to other contests, including those similar to this contest, will not be accepted. Entries submitted to other contests after the entry in this contest will also be considered as entries in other contests.